San Diego Comic Con July 17 – 21: “Brandon Bird’s Astonishing World of Art” makes its debut! A limited number of copies will be available at the Chronicle Books booth (1506 & 1508). I’ll be signing there Thursday at 11:00 am and Saturday at 4:00 pm, and I’ll be part of the “Chronicle Books: Behind the Scenes of a Pop-Culture Powerhouse” panel on Sunday from 1:00 to 2:00. I’ll also be selling prints & shirts all con long at the TopatoCo booth (1229 & 1328).
WWA Gallery, July 17 – August 10: “Print Isn’t Dead,” a group show of prints in Culver City.
BookShop Santa Cruz August 19 at 7:00 pm: I’ll be signing early copies of “Astonishing World” in the place where it all began, Santa Cruz, CA!
Gallery Nucleus September 7: Another “Astonishing World” event! This one with a coloring contest and prizes! If you’re in the LA area, get your butt out to Alhambra that night!
The Art of “The Astonishing World of Art” San Francisco, September 21: Solo show and book launch party at Gauntlet Gallery! View and purchase original drawings from the book, rare sketches, and more!