Some images that never had prints before now have prints! Also, added new sizes and editions for things like a 12” x 12” Zugzwanged and 9” x 12” and 16” x 20” Uncanny Valleys!
Aug 2, 10:18 pm
New Prints!

Jul 16, 11:04 pm
Two Scamps Roll Up Cumberbatch
Here’s a drawing that didn’t quite make it into the book. Explore this and other mysteries in my guest blog on the Chronicle Books site.

Jul 1, 10:23 am
Summer Shows and Signings!
San Diego Comic Con July 17 – 21: “Brandon Bird’s Astonishing World of Art” makes its debut! A limited number of copies will be available at the Chronicle Books booth (1506 & 1508). I’ll be signing there Thursday at 11:00 am and Saturday at 4:00 pm, and I’ll be part of the “Chronicle Books: Behind the Scenes of a Pop-Culture Powerhouse” panel on Sunday from 1:00 to 2:00. I’ll also be selling prints & shirts all con long at the TopatoCo booth (1229 & 1328).
WWA Gallery, July 17 – August 10: “Print Isn’t Dead,” a group show of prints in Culver City.
BookShop Santa Cruz August 19 at 7:00 pm: I’ll be signing early copies of “Astonishing World” in the place where it all began, Santa Cruz, CA!
Gallery Nucleus September 7: Another “Astonishing World” event! This one with a coloring contest and prizes! If you’re in the LA area, get your butt out to Alhambra that night!
The Art of “The Astonishing World of Art” San Francisco, September 21: Solo show and book launch party at Gauntlet Gallery! View and purchase original drawings from the book, rare sketches, and more!

Jun 27, 10:26 pm
Captain Picard's Mean Pizza-Launchin' Machine
— Brandon Bird
Apr 29, 09:32 pm
Pre-order now at Amazon and Barnes and Noble! In stores 9/1!
Brandon Bird’s Astonishing World of Art will be in book stores everywhere September 1st, but you can pre-order now from Amazon or Barnes and Noble and get it a little early (both listings are using the old “Amazing” title, but trust me, it’s “Astonishing”)!
Most art books only do one thing: they sit there, and you look at them. This one has cut-outs, activities, pull-out postcards, a sheet of stickers, a slick insert of painting reproductions, and a bajillion pages (well, 80 or so) for you to color. I hope you’ll like it and tell your friends!
If you’d like info on planning a signing event, or know of a cool store in your town that should carry it, shoot me an e-mail,
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Apr 12, 10:04 am
The Obstinate Men
For some reason I never got around to scanning & posting my own piece from The JP Show. Well here it is! Bodies by Okumura, foliage inspired by Galuszka.

Apr 2, 01:57 pm
Did I Mention I Have a Trading Card?
This is from The Art Hustle series 3, available now. There’s a bio card (shown above), an artwork card (depicting Uncanny Valley), and randomly inserted signature and sketch cards, some of which you can see after the jump.

Mar 12, 04:49 pm
Squid flame hoodie.
You can buy this new hoodie at It’s got flames on each sleeve, except instead of flames they are (wait for it) squid. Also available in heather grey.
Comment [1]

Feb 19, 09:10 pm
Nicolas Cage needs a new hairstyle!
Fresh in stock and ready to ship from TopatoCo! In the tradition of the Henry Rollins whiteboard, this Nicolas Cage memo board includes two dry-erase markers and magnetic mounts. Get yours before this offer recedes!

Feb 17, 02:52 pm
iPad Cases
I have cases for iPads and iPad Minis now. Click through to see all the designs available.

Feb 11, 01:00 pm
The Next Generation
My contribution for this Star Trek art show at Q Pop in LA’s Little Tokyo February 16 – March 1st.
I will also have The Lesson of the Geese on display.

Feb 6, 02:12 pm
A Walken that Glows in the Dark
When things are at their lowest and the outcome seems bleak, look to a familiar face to light the way. This glow-in-the-dark Walken shirt is new to the store and ready to ship.