So for the past month I’ve been concept-designing monsters and such for my buddies’ new kids TV show, The Aquabats! I can’t really explain it, but here is an article and a trailer:
Years and years ago I did a bunch of drawings for one of the pilots that never quite came together, so the fact this will actually be thing on television proves literally anything is possible. It may be rad! It could be awesome! It will probably be something. (And if I get permission, I’ll try to post some of the concept art after the episodes start to air.)
Jack McCoy and Walken shirts are finally, finally back in stock! (I’m sometimes not that good at simple things like “inventory” and “running a business.”) Available now in the online store! Impress your friends! Look as sharp as this happy couple!:
My friend and fellow Slug Trisha Gum won a Directing Workshop for Women fellowship with the AFI, but to raise money for her student project, she’s having an art show! For a number of years Trisha’s day job has been with Robot Chicken, so the theme of the show is, “Art from people who worked on Robot Chicken and their artist friends.” I’ll be donating a few new prints, like the recent Dinklage and the thing I’m going to post tomorrow.
The show is Saturday night, June 25, from 6 – 11 pm, and it’s at Hold Up Art in Little Tokyo, 358 E. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, 90012.
My pal Julia is curating a Yo Gabba Gabba! art show. I’ll have a couple framed prints in the show, featuring new art from some top secret Gabba merchandise I’ve been working on.
My loose association with the program goes back to 2003, when Christian Jacobs hired me to do some stuff for RVCA and his band The Aquabats (I remember drawing Brobee when he was the Aquabats villain “Broccoli Bee”). For a while I was working on one of the many, many Aquabats TV pilots, and when that didn’t quite come together for a bunch of different reasons, he and his buddy Scott were like, “Hmm, maybe we’ll try this other TV show idea we have… “ And the rest is sweet history.