Because I like that show Hannibal, and because people have been asking me to make birthday cards, I made a painting of Hannibal that you can buy as birthday cards (also useful as dinner party invitations).
Monday September 29, 2014
The Party Animal

Monday September 15, 2014
First Sears

Well, here it is: the first of what will be many paintings of Sears. Read the full story on the Kickstarter progress page.

Sunday September 14, 2014
iPhone 6 Cases
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Friday September 12, 2014
SearsZine is Here

Part ‘zine, part sketchbook, I’ve collected the first drawings from Sears Trip 2013 into 32 black and white pages. Available for for $6 in the store, but all backers of the Sears Kickstarter project can download a free .pdf (look for the backers-only Kickstarter update for the link).