Monday August 19, 2013
Here to Save the World
— Brandon BirdComment [1]

Saturday August 17, 2013
August 19th, Bookshop Santa Cruz
— Brandon Bird
Sunday August 4, 2013
Project: Sears
I have started a Kickstarter to raise money for my dream: to travel the country and paint the greatest Sears stores I encounter.
Kickstarter, if you don’t know, is a crowd-sourced fundraising site: people pledge money to projects they wish to see succeed; if the funding goal for a project is not met, no pledges are not collected. But if it does succeed, there are rewards for backers, like (in this case) signed postcards, print sets, and original art! Find out how to pledge here!

Friday August 2, 2013
New Prints!
Some images that never had prints before now have prints! Also, added new sizes and editions for things like a 12” x 12” Zugzwanged and 9” x 12” and 16” x 20” Uncanny Valleys!