Here are two old things finally available as prints! Fluttermaul is one of the first “silly” paintings I ever did, back in 1999 when all I knew was acrylics and comic-book lines. I had to climb into my mom’s closet to find it so I could have it re-scanned, because I also didn’t know about appropriate resolutions back then.
Evolution of the Leading Man was an illustration for RADAR magazine, right before RADAR magazine went under. Both of these are now prints because people asked for them, so the lesson there is that if you see an image on the site that’s not available as a print or shirt or whatever, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Here’s the link to buy prints.
Tuesday August 23, 2011

Tuesday August 2, 2011
Summer Job

So for the past month I’ve been concept-designing monsters and such for my buddies’ new kids TV show, The Aquabats! I can’t really explain it, but here is an article and a trailer:
Years and years ago I did a bunch of drawings for one of the pilots that never quite came together, so the fact this will actually be thing on television proves literally anything is possible. It may be rad! It could be awesome! It will probably be something. (And if I get permission, I’ll try to post some of the concept art after the episodes start to air.)
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